Using Credit Score to Protect you.

The ability to discriminate protects each one of us from harm. You certainly want to discriminate which spouse you marry or who you let into your home. In some cases, it’s still legal to discriminate. The evolution of criminalizing discrimination in the US is mostly based on protecting people who have no choice in their life situation. The borders are expanding. Being born with a certain disposition is the newest type of group requesting laws to level the playing field. Should we continue to expand the laws to protect each new group? Where do we draw the line? Perhaps one day, the laws will protect people who claim that they were born predisposed to having bad credit. Fortunately, we still do have the freedom to discriminate in this area.

The legal discrimination that we all can use, and should use, is based on CREDIT SCORE. Yes, credit score. Why don’t we use this more? A person’s credit score is usually directly correlated to their ability to be reliable and keep their word. It shows what level of financial intelligence a person has. Wouldn’t it be interesting if each person had their credit score clearly visible to you?

Now that you have been reminded of this amazing power of perception you have, let me share with you how to use it. Next time you interview someone like a realtor to sell your home or a foreman to build your new house, ask the person to provide you with written proof of their credit score when you interview them for the job. There are also plenty of websites that will help you verify a credit score as long as you have permission. You can be more confident about someone who has a credit score above 720. Below 720 could be a sign of problems. Of course, there are exceptions to every rule. Most people who have a low credit score feel they are the exception, just like most prisoners still think they are not guilty.

Personally, I have owned several rental properties. Early in my experience, I did not consider credit scores. I evaluated prospective tenants based on whether they had the initial payment and how friendly they seemed. In almost all cases, I was blindsided when the tenants became delinquent and belligerent. I have learned how challenging it can be to predict a person’s future behavior. I have also learned why legal judges often look at a person’s history, as the past tends to repeat itself. – Dan Novak


The power to discriminate is a real superpower! Just like a picky eater who can sniff out a sprout from a mile away or a fashionista who can spot a faux pas a mile away, we all have that ability to discriminate. It’s like having a built-in spidey sense for making choices. But hey, let’s use our discrimination powers for good, shall we?

Now, instead of looking at credit scores, why don’t we judge people based on their ability to juggle flaming torches while reciting Shakespeare? Imagine, next time you’re interviewing a realtor or a foreman, ask them to perform this ultimate multitasking act! It’s a foolproof way to determine if they’re truly reliable and have what it takes to build your dream home. Plus, it’ll make the whole process way more entertaining!

But let me warn you, there may be exceptions to this rule. Some people might claim they can’t juggle or recite Shakespeare because, you know, they were born without the juggling gene or they have an irrational fear of sonnets. Sure, it’s a thin excuse, but we’ve all heard wackier stuff, haven’t we?

On a personal note, I used to choose my tenants solely based on their friendly vibe and if they could correctly pronounce “quinoa”. Let’s just say it didn’t always end well. Turns out, a friendly demeanor doesn’t guarantee on-time rent payments or responsible behavior. Who knew, right?

So, let’s embrace our discriminatory powers, but maybe with a pinch of Shakespeare and a sprinkle of fire juggling. Because life is just way more fun that way. Cheers to discriminating in style!

Published by Dan Novak

Prime Time makes home selling profitable, fast and easy. We locate the buyer who will offer the best price and terms, so that you get what you want. We prevent problems and defend your home against bargain hunters and tire kickers. You are in control at all times in deciding which offer is best for you. Upon request we also can: Sell the home As Is, or Help prepare your home for showing. Simple easy ideas suggesting inexpensive and creative adjustments to make your home most attractive to potential buyers. This will maximize the chance of multiple offers!. Determine the best price to ask. You tell us how much you wish to net. Its our job to make sure you walk away from a closing with the amount you were expecting and not a penny less. Expose your home to a great number of potential buyers. (Local, National and Global advertising) Relate to prospects. Develop a relationship of trust and rapport. Ensure that all 8000+ sales agents and buyers find the best features of your home. Financially qualify each potential buyer and help them get mortgage money if possible. Schedule and oversee showings with the most qualified prospects. Notify you of every showing in advance. Negotiate on your behalf without losing a serious buyer. (during the offer, inspections and appraisal etc.) We have 20+ years problem solving experience. Cut through the red tape. Touch all the bases. We prevent problems and surprises. Help monitor and maintain your property while you are away. Submit all offers directly to you; deliver your check at closing Prime Time is absolutely determined to make sure your home has every sales advantage possible. And much much more. -Dan Novak, Broker / Owner.