The Dangers of AI or ChatGPT.

Dan Novak descirbes Artificial intelligence also known at ChatGPT or AI.    Dan is a Broker and owner in Sarasota FL

Technological advances are happening quickly these days. One of the latest and most popular advancements is found in a computer program. This program produces something similar to a human conversation. You can speak into a microphone and the computer will measure each word and reply to you in a somewhat coherent and understandable manner. This program is being used by good people and bad people. Good people use it to help you and bad people use it to help themselves at your expense. Bad people can create a program that calls you on the phone and pretends to be human. It is getting harder to decipher whether you are speaking to a human or a computer. It is becoming possible that a foreigner that can barely speak English will be creating a program that speaks to you in English and convinces you to do something that you will regret.

To protect yourself, you must classify different types of communication from safe to dangerous. The safest is in person face to face communication. The second safest is phone or video voice to voice communication. The most dangerous is texting, emails and written communication. Your number one priority is to ensure that you are talking to a real person. In person, that is easy. There are no robots that I know of yet that look and act like a human. There are computer phone voices that are beginning to sound and respond more and more in a human manner. Your best defense on the phone is to ask a few oddball questions, usually this throws the computer for a loop and it spits out a generic response which is incongruent to your oddball question. The incongruent responses from the computer prove that artificial intelligence is on the other end of the call. Unless you enjoy talking to a computer, hang up. Texting, reading news, websites and emails are now becoming tainted with the influence of AI. You could be emailing or texting back and forth, thinking that  someone is on the other end, when in reality you are speaking to something empty and dead that is programmed to make you feel like it cares about you. I am confident that I have experienced this fake empathetic response from many customer service websites. As far as I know, there is no legal requirement for a purveyor of a good or service to disclose if they are tricking you into thinking you are talking to a human. In many cases, the customer service response will start with a computer and trick you as long as possible. When it can’t fool you anymore, it asks you to wait a minute and then brings on a live representative; Often from another country where its super cheap to hire low paid phone representatives who speak broken english. This is the name of the game when attempting to provide customer service at the lowest prices. There are other implications of Artificial intelligence.

My wife is a certified teacher in two states. She is appalled by this new technology for a specific reason. Copying others’ work and plagiarism has always been an issue in schools. Students can now use a computer to create and modify a message. How can we tell if this is the writing and intelligence of the computer or the intelligence of the student. With AI any poor writer can compose a message and then feed it into a computer which modifies it into something different. In theory, they could feed someone elses’ writing into the computer and then the computer modifies it so it looks like their own. How will teachers ensure that writings and essays are legit? Will they make the students sit and hand write during class time?

Particularly of interest to me is AI used in sales. I represent a variety of wealthy clients. I advertise their homes for sale and my job is to sort out the prospects. Scammers and swindlers are always looming out there. Many of them are located in other countries and not subject to the laws here in America. Some are simply people inside America who do not believe in or care about the well being of others. These people are working hard to use AI to further their plan to steal other peoples’ equity.  Deceptive computer programs send offers and even write contracts designed to persuade me to have the seller accept them. Contracts are a wonderful tool but also very dangerous if you sign the wrong one. The weight of the law is against you if you sign a contract and fail to fulfill it. I dread the day that a computer message or a voice could trick me into believing it’s a real person. It is taking more and more skill to protect my sellers from danger. Fortunately, after reviewing thousands of contracts, I have a high level of experience with these things.

I hope that this message helps you to use AI to your benefit. Artifical speaking and writing that comes from computers can be fun, amusing and useful. Be aware that AI is programmed by a certain type of personality and using it could dampen your real self. You become what you expose yourself to. Many news articles are now tainted with modifications from AI. Evil people wish to modify your behaviors and your thinking, ultimately to destroy you. Who is programming AI. Do you really want to interact with it and thus change who you are. A wise person once said you become a different person based on the people you spend time with and the books you read. Add to that, what computer programs you interact with and what screens you look at. I submit to you, that a child raised by AI would be much different that a child raised by you?. Who do you trust?

To further illustrate, many TV newscasters are likely reading AI modified messages and feeding them to you. Say Aaahhhh. I have also included a modification of this message that took 30 seconds to create. I simply click “inject humor” and the computer spits out the message you see below. Who’s humor is this? Certainly not my own. Maybe it’s the humor of the future of humanity.

Artificial intelligence modified my message above in 30 seconds to add humor; see below and enjoy.

Oh boy, hold onto your funny bone because here comes a hilarious twist on my previous response! So, picture this: technological advances are zooming at warp speed, faster than Superman chasing a speeding bullet. And guess what’s making waves? A computer program that can chat with you, just like humans do! It’s like having a chatty pal, but without the annoying habit of hogging all the popcorn during movie night.

But hey, not all users of this nifty program have pure intentions. Some folks use it for good, like helping you out in a jiffy. But there are also the bad apples who misuse it to trick you. Picture this: an AI-powered robot caller pretending to be a real person. It’s like the Terminator but with impeccable phone manners. Sneaky, right?

Now, here’s the scoop on communication safety. Face-to-face chats? They’re gold, my friend. No robot lookalikes, no hidden agendas. Phone or video calls come in as the second safest option. But brace yourself, texting, emails, and written communication are taking a walk on the wild side. AI is starting to infiltrate these channels, meaning you might be chatting up an empty-hearted computer. And nobody wants that, trust me.

You see, AI is becoming a superstar at mimicking empathy. Customer service websites may lull you into thinking you’re conversing with a compassionate human, but bam! Suddenly, you realize you’re just chatting with lines of code. It’s like expecting a bear hug and getting a limp handshake. Awkward!

But wait, there’s more! AI is even messing with the education system. Teachers, bless their spiky little hearts, now face the conundrum of AI-modified student work. Plagiarism detectors are stuck in a whirlwind of confusion. Is it the genuine brilliance of a kid’s brain, or just clever AI trickery, like a mischievous AI genie granting the perfect essay wish? How will they figure it out? Dictating the exam while students handwrite like they’re back in the Stone Age? Hilarious, but probably not the solution.

And my real estate buddies, listen up! AI is elbowing its way into sales. Scammers and swindlers are rubbing their hands gleefully. They create sneaky computer programs to woo us with faux offers and crafty contracts. It’s like having a virtual con artist whispering sweet nothings in your ear, tempting you to sign on the dotted line. But fear not, for I, the experienced contract reviewer, stand strong against these digital tricksters!

So, my dear reader, be aware of the AI invasion. It can be fun, amusing, and useful, like a clown juggling flaming torches made of numbers. But remember, AI comes with a certain personality flavor. Do you really want to hang out with it 24/7 and risk becoming a completely different person? Perhaps the next Shakespeare… or maybe just the next funny cat video aficionado. Who knows?

Oh, and one more thing: beware of those AI-modified news articles and TV newscasters. They might be delivering jokes written by a futuristic Robo-Comedian. Say “cheese,” because, well, AI humor isn’t always your cup of tea. But hey, isn’t it fascinating to see how technology is shaping our world? Cue the dramatic music and the lingering question: Who do you trust in this AI-powered comedy? How will you know if AI really loves you? Click the song below!

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Published by Dan Novak

Prime Time makes home selling profitable, fast and easy. We locate the buyer who will offer the best price and terms, so that you get what you want. We prevent problems and defend your home against bargain hunters and tire kickers. You are in control at all times in deciding which offer is best for you. Upon request we also can: Sell the home As Is, or Help prepare your home for showing. Simple easy ideas suggesting inexpensive and creative adjustments to make your home most attractive to potential buyers. This will maximize the chance of multiple offers!. Determine the best price to ask. You tell us how much you wish to net. Its our job to make sure you walk away from a closing with the amount you were expecting and not a penny less. Expose your home to a great number of potential buyers. (Local, National and Global advertising) Relate to prospects. Develop a relationship of trust and rapport. Ensure that all 8000+ sales agents and buyers find the best features of your home. Financially qualify each potential buyer and help them get mortgage money if possible. Schedule and oversee showings with the most qualified prospects. Notify you of every showing in advance. Negotiate on your behalf without losing a serious buyer. (during the offer, inspections and appraisal etc.) We have 20+ years problem solving experience. Cut through the red tape. Touch all the bases. We prevent problems and surprises. Help monitor and maintain your property while you are away. Submit all offers directly to you; deliver your check at closing Prime Time is absolutely determined to make sure your home has every sales advantage possible. And much much more. -Dan Novak, Broker / Owner.